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Kenya Pipeline Company (KPC) as part of business diversification and to meet their ever-increasing bandwidth demand for voice, data and video, obtained a Network Facility Provider (NFP) - Tier 2 Network Infrastructure License in 2018 from Communications Authority of Kenya (CA) to lease Fiber Optic Cable (FOC) along its pipeline network in Kenya from Mombasa to Nairobi – Nakuru – Kisumu and Eldoret towns.

The Tier 2 License enables the company to build and operate transmission systems, switching or routing systems, and other resources which permit the conveyance of signals by either wire, radio, optical, or other electromagnetic means. The licensed systems may be used to establish satellite networks, and terrestrial fixed and mobile networks.

Since the launch of its fibre optic business in April 2022, KPC has signed lease agreements with Kenya’s leading telecommunications operators including Safaricom PLC, Airtel Kenya Ltd, MTN Business Kenya Ltd, Jamii Telecommunications and Wananchi Telecommunications Ltd.

    FOC Network

  • Mombasa – Nairobi, 96 cores, 490 KM.
  • Nairobi – Sinendet, 192-cores, 224 KM.
  • Sinendet – Eldoret, 96 cores, 108 KM.
  • Sinendet – Kisumu, 96 cores, 128 KM.

    Sites Collocation

  • Mombasa- Nairobi– every after 60km (average).
  • Nairobi- Eldoret/Kisumu-every 55km (average).

    FOC Pricing

  • Lease amount of USD 22 per kilometre per fibre core
  • One-off Installation charge of USD 200 per site
  • One-off rack space colocation installation charge of USD 3,900 per cabinet
  • Rack space colocation charges of USD 850 per cabinet per year
  • Maintenance charge is 5% of the total lease rate, exclusive of VAT.

  • Note: (3 months) prepayment plan- after contract sign off.

KPC is currently offering dark fibre Contract durations of 5,10,15 or 20 Years Indefeasible Rights of Use (IRU) at competitive market driven prices. KPC has standardized the lease rates and other terms for all clientele to ensure compliance with CA’s requirement of non-discriminatory business tendencies. The signs a Master Agreement with KPC and a Service Level Agreement accompanied by signed service Order Forms. Inspection and Acceptance forms will be used for billing upon completion of connectivity.

Customer Onboarding Process

Onboarding Process

This is the competitive edge of FOC

  1. KPC Financial Strength
  2. Secure and heavily guarded against fibre cuts – (over 98.9% availability)
  3. Design Flexibility with add/drop points along KPC way leave (Right of Way) every 2 to 4 kilometers.
  4. Reliability - testament of trust by Telecommunication Companies who have leased dark fiber.
  5. Terminated at data centres to spread availability – Konza Technopolis and iColo (MBA & NBO)

KPC is planning to extend the optical fiber through new pipelines routes, partnership with other Government agencies to improve fiber network in the country and partnerships with Telcos to extend fiber to the Great Lakes region. KPC is exploring offering capacity services through cconnectivity and content delivery.

Fiber Lease distances and colocation sites

Onboarding Process

Customer Quick Assist

Wish to reach or talk to us?

  1. Physical Address
    Kenpipe Plaza,Sekondi Road,
    Off Nanyuki Road, Industrial Area, Nairobi
  2. Postal Address
    P.O. Box 73442 – 00200
  3. Telephone:
    0709 723 000
  4. Email
     You can also reach us by filling
     below form

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