Gender & Disability Mainstreaming

KPC has an elaborate Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) system in place, ensuring our business decisions have a positive impact on society, environmental sustainability as well as successful implementation of diversity and inclusion policies.
KPC meets the Constitutional threshold composition of gender (30% women) in its workforce and is bound by the Human Resources Policy and Procedures Manual (HRPPM). KPC fully implements the Access to Government Procurement Opportunities (AGPO) for disadvantaged groups policy, ensuring women, youth and people living with disabilities have access to our procurement opportunities.

Key Highlights

Female employees in line with the constitutional threshold on staff gender composition
KES 668,536,925
Investment in implementation of the Access to Government Procurement Opportunities (AGPO) for disadvantaged groups: women, youth and people living with disabilities

KPC Feted as the Best State Corporation on Diversity, Inclusion & Sustainability for the Fourth Year in a Row During the 6th Edition of the National Diversity and Inclusion Awards and Recognition (DIAR) gala


Kenpipe Plaza, Sekondi Road,
Off Nanyuki Road, Industrial Area,

P.O. Box 73442 – 00200
Telephone: 0709 723 000 (Call Center)
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Reporting Corruption: 0791333222
Toll Free Emergency/Incident Reporting Number: 0800 720 198


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