Kenya Pipeline Company Since 1973

The Kenya Pipeline Company Limited is a State Corporation established on 6th September, 1973 under the Companies Act (CAP 486) of the Laws of Kenya and started commercial operations in 1978.
The Company is 100% owned by the Government and complies with the provisions of the State Corporations Act (Cap 446) of 1986. The Company operations are also governed by relevant legislations and regulations such as the Finance Act, the Public Procurement Regulations, and Performance Contracting.


Kenpipe Plaza, Sekondi Road,
Off Nanyuki Road, Industrial Area,

P.O. Box 73442 – 00200
Telephone: 0709 723 000 (Call Center)
Email: /
Reporting Corruption: 0791333222
Toll Free Emergency/Incident Reporting Number: 0800 720 198


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