Laboratories Background
KPC was incorporated in 1973 under the Company’s Act Cap 486 of the laws of Kenya and started commercial operations in 1978. The overall objective of setting up the company was to provide the Kenyan economy with the most efficient, reliable, safe and least cost means of transporting refined petroleum products from Mombasa to the hinterland. To achieve this mandate KPC operates multi-product pipelines currently transporting the following grades of petroleum products:
i) Automotive Gas Oil (AGO)
ii) Premium Motor Spirit (PMS)
iii) Illuminating Kerosene (IK)
iv) Jet A-1 (Aviation Turbine Fuel).

KPC has established laboratories at Mombasa, Nairobi, Nakuru, Eldoret and Kisumu to assure on the quality of the products:
i) Before receipt into the KPC system,
ii) During storage, handling and,
iii) At delivery to the customers.

The company is wholly owned by the Government of Kenya. KPC is mandated to construct and operate multi-product pipeline systems with other associated facilities to transport refined petroleum products from Mombasa to the hinterland.

All products are transported in batches and Quality control department is vested with the responsibility to ensure that product quality is maintained.

KPC also runs a NEMA designated environmental laboratory for effluent water, soil and drinking water analyses.
KPC’s first Laboratory accreditation to ISO/IEC 17025:2005 was attained on 08th July 2016.